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November 13, 2007



You are too kind, sir.

I regret that I'm too swamped to give this event the attention it deserves, but I'm glad you're on the case. The one thing I wanted to add is something you and I have talked about before: how exhilarating is it to hear an orchestra like this where everyone onstage -- and I mean everyone -- is deeply, genuinely committed to and engaged with the music?

You are right that some of the young soloists lack the finesse of their counterparts in, say, the Berlin Phil, but I will take the SBYSO's thrillingly electric (and stunningly tight) full-orchestra tuttis over the, shall we say, "indifferent professionalism" of so many big-name orchestras. In a New York minute I will.

It's actually very simple: when you care, we care. When you are just going through the motions, we can tell, even when the performance is polished to the point of spotlessness. Maybe even especially when.


Composer and bandleader Darcy James Argue, the "very smart musician" to whom I refered in my original post, is right on the money here. And he is absolutely right in drawing attention to the complete committment that anyone present could feel emanating from the stage on Monday night. With that in mind, I will be very interested to hear what the New York Philharmonic sounds like when Dudamel takes up the reins for a few days in early December.


brilliant write-up. simply made me wish i was there.

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