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October 15, 2007



any chance we could get the occasional pre-concert, "this is going to be good I'm going to see it" notice in your blog? I somehow missed this in timeout, and your review makes me wish I had seen it.

Steve Smith

Paul, I have to confess that I've been slightly superstitious about posting what shows I'm planning to attend, because there have been times in the past when I've done precisely that, only to have my schedule fall apart for unanticipated reasons.

I should get over it and start doing it for precisely the reason you suggest, especially when I anticipate good results -- as was certainly the case with Early Music New York.

By the way, the reason you missed this particular concert in the TONY listings is because it wasn't in there: sadly, I never got a press release, and learned of the concert when I was assigned to review it for the Times a week after my TONY deadline.

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